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A medical student living in Alexandria, Egypt. I love forex so much, and I've learned a lot about it, so I try to share my experience with other traders to help them in this tremendous field, and help in decreasing their suffering in order to be able to generate profits easily.
Showing posts with label Surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surgery. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Clinical surgery in its new edition is much more 
than a facelift. It is the outcome of a major 
collective effort based on regular meetings of the 
five editors with the publishers
at which format, content and layout were discussed.
Admittedly, completion of the second edition has taken
longer than anticipated, but the delay has been worthwhile.
Although the basic structure of the first edition has
been retained, the rewrites, alterations and new material
have been based on feedback from our readers specially
commissioned by our publishers before work on the
second edition commenced in earnest. The needs and
comments expressed by students and house officers who
took part in the feedback on each and every chapter
(favourable or otherwise) were kept firmly in mind by
the authors and editors during the redrafting process.
Consequently, the editors are confident that all defects
and criticisms have been met and the second edition has
no serious shortcomings.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

This is the 25th and hence Silver Jubilee edition of this world
famous textbook. It has stood the test of time as evidenced by
increasing sales, edition by edition, a tribute to the foresight of
the original authors Hamilton Bailey and McNeill Love. Both set
out to produce a high quality, comprehensive textbook to be
enjoyed by both undergraduates and postgraduates. Part of their
magic formula was to combine clear and concise text with numerous
clinical photographs collected from their own archives. Most
important was the frequent use of anecdote and aphorism to
highlight points of clinical relevance, further enhanced by autobiographical
notes beloved by all devotees of the book. We, the
editors of this auspicious edition, therefore feel a particular
responsibility following in the footsteps of the original authors
and our colleague editors who continued this tradition over past
editions. It is always difficult to blend the old with the new but
this we have attempted to do. We present to the reader a comprehensive,
modern surgical textbook which, we hope, retains the
feel of the original. We have ensured that the text is liberally illustrated
with high quality reproductions and line drawings. Some of
Bailey and Love’s original illustrations have been retained
because they capture specific points so well that we have felt
obliged to keep them. Similarly the autobiographical notes
remain but have been updated. We have been particularly fortunate
in this endeavour in retaining the services of Dr J.G. Fairer
who, as a labour of love, has spent many hours ensuring the
veracity of these notes. To help the budding young surgeon faced
with that heart-sinking question from their boss, ‘What instrument
is that in your hand?’ followed by ‘And who was he?’, we
have started a new page in the appendix which gives answers to
a few of the most common queries. Let us know if you think it is