Clinical surgery in its new edition is much more
than a facelift. It is the outcome of a major
collective effort based on regular meetings of the
five editors with the publishers
at which format, content and layout were discussed.
Admittedly, completion of the second edition has taken
longer than anticipated, but the delay has been worthwhile.
Although the basic structure of the first edition has
been retained, the rewrites, alterations and new material
have been based on feedback from our readers specially
commissioned by our publishers before work on the
second edition commenced in earnest. The needs and
comments expressed by students and house officers who
took part in the feedback on each and every chapter
(favourable or otherwise) were kept firmly in mind by
the authors and editors during the redrafting process.
Consequently, the editors are confident that all defects
and criticisms have been met and the second edition has
no serious shortcomings.