It is almost 25 years since we first had the idea of writing and
editing this book. Now in its 7th edition, Kumar & Clark’s
Clinical Medicine continues to play a primary role in the
education of medical students and doctors worldwide,
enabling us all to provide better medical care to our patients.
We are committed to ensuring that the book continues to
change and be updated constantly in line with evolving
methods of learning and, particularly, the increasing uses of
the internet and advent of new technologies.
When we sat down to think about the 7th edition we were
determined the book would not get bigger in size. Thanks to
an innovative new design, we have managed to reduce the
number of pages whilst accommodating a huge amount of
new material. This includes increased coverage and emphasis
on new technologies, and more material on areas such
as rehabilitation medicine. We have brought in new authors
to many chapters, and this edition has once again been
thoroughly revised and updated, clearly and colourfully illustrated,
and attractively presented. We hope its clarity will help
students learn more effectively.
Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine