Welcome to the third edition of this Oxford Handbook. In obstetrics and
gynaecology, as in all fi elds of medicine, the available evidence, technology
and guidelines can move forward at a rapid pace and often prove diffi cult
to keep up with. As the majority of junior doctors are well aware, the
gaps in our knowledge often become apparent at the most inopportune
moments; this book seeks to fi ll those gaps rapidly and effectively. It uses
the well-known Oxford Handbook format to facilitate easy navigation
around concise, clinically relevant, evidence-based information. It can be
quickly dipped into for specifi c answers between seeing patients in clinic or
on delivery suite, as well as providing a solid, general grounding for those
just beginning in the specialty. It also has suffi cient depth and detail to provide
a good starting point in the preparation for postgraduate exams. To
ensure the most up-to-date information is always available, emphasis has
been placed on providing relevant web addresses, especially for guidelines
and useful organizations. Text boxes have also been employed to help
highlight some of the more important pieces of information.
Although this handbook is most likely to be used by trainees within the
specialty, we envisage it will be useful for all those involved in women’s
health, including GPs, midwives, and medical students. We hope you fi nd it
a helpful resource and that it proves to be a valuable companion and guide
in your everyday practice of obstetrics and gynaecology.
Welcome to the third edition of this Oxford Handbook. In obstetrics and
gynaecology, as in all fi elds of medicine, the available evidence, technology
and guidelines can move forward at a rapid pace and often prove diffi cult
to keep up with. As the majority of junior doctors are well aware, the
gaps in our knowledge often become apparent at the most inopportune
moments; this book seeks to fi ll those gaps rapidly and effectively. It uses
the well-known Oxford Handbook format to facilitate easy navigation
around concise, clinically relevant, evidence-based information. It can be
quickly dipped into for specifi c answers between seeing patients in clinic or
on delivery suite, as well as providing a solid, general grounding for those
just beginning in the specialty. It also has suffi cient depth and detail to provide
a good starting point in the preparation for postgraduate exams. To
ensure the most up-to-date information is always available, emphasis has
been placed on providing relevant web addresses, especially for guidelines
and useful organizations. Text boxes have also been employed to help
highlight some of the more important pieces of information.
Although this handbook is most likely to be used by trainees within the
specialty, we envisage it will be useful for all those involved in women’s
health, including GPs, midwives, and medical students. We hope you fi nd it
a helpful resource and that it proves to be a valuable companion and guide
in your everyday practice of obstetrics and gynaecology.
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